“Never has the saying, ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will come’ been more apparent. My session with you was very powerful and the truth of what you told me, about me, was crystal clear.”

—Kristi Frlekin, Proprietor, Advertising Design


Be The Author Of Your Own Life

For the most part, we, as human beings, don’t enter into this life for anybody else. You didn’t come here for your parents, or your children, or your partner…you came here for you! You came here to learn your Life Lesson(s) and do your Life Purpose. And frankly, if you’re not doing that, what’s the point — whose life is this, anyway?! In order to progress in this life you need to know three things:

1. What you really want

2. What’s keeping you from getting what you really want

3. How to change your life now in order to get what you really want

There are only three things that keep you from living the life you are meant to:

1) A lack of clarity & priorities: what is it that you really want and why is that so important to you?

2) You have not yet discovered the proven methods and pathways to get to where you want to go — perhaps you’re trying to put a square peg in a round hole….

3) You have unconscious fears and beliefs that cause you to take one step forward and two steps back. Your thoughts, words, and actions are out of alignment, so you don’t believe you have permission to be who you really want to be and thus cannot naturally follow through to get your desired results.

The main problem is that people get hung up on how to solve their problems when what they really need to do is just start working on creating the life that they want, regardless of what others might think or how they might react — whose life is this? You have to look to what you want, not what you don’t want. You must come from a different perspective to achieve your goals. Push yourself to reach for your dreams by working one-on-one with Roberta A Coker as your coach. Together we will develop a master plan of action that clearly states your goals and defines the steps you need to take in order to achieve them. Using the unique tools, practices, and exercises that she has developed and acquired over the last two decades, you will discover sure-fire methods for overcoming the obstacles in your way.

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